Monday, February 2, 2009

"Groundhog Day"

I found myself reflecting on that Bill Murray comedy as the second day of the second month neared, wondering why I have such a fondness for it. Like the movie's charm itself, the answer crept up on me.

On the surface, it seems like another goofball Murray comedy - but it turns into much more than that.

At its heart, it's a tale of redemption; of second (and third and fourth and fifth and...) chances; and it allows the audience to ponder the tantalizing question, "If you had the chance to live a day over again, what would you change?"

Murray's character is a study in contrasts, veering down the path of selfishness in search of both his goals and his escape, and then he starts noticing all the little - yet vitally important - moments that unfold over the course of a single day.

And as he begins reaching out to those around him, seeing how he can help them instead of how they can help him, he is transformed. For all the trappings of....being's a story of hope.

Call me a sucker, but I like those.

Some day soon, I'll pull that movie down from the shelf and watch it again...and be reminded of why I enjoy it.

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