Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The walls have ears

I spoke to a media class at Wichita State University today about how journalism has evolved in recent years. I was the one being taught, however, about how much society has changed in the past decade or so. I listened as the students talked before class started about who was texting whom, what they saw on Facebook, and whatever happened to the reviews of the last speaker, which had been posted online? It occurred to me that they would be reviewing my presentation as well ---- and that portions of them could end up online. That meant my audience wasn't just the 15 to 20 students in the classroom, but those who are on Facebook or Twitter (if anyone tweeted my comments) or some other form of social media. Would I say something off the cuff that might end up on Facebook and leave me red-faced later because its context had been stripped away? Talk about motivation to watch one's words....

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