Monday, May 30, 2011

Sleepless summer nights

Strange how, on some nights, you simply can't fall asleep.

It's happened to me tonight. I have the next two days off, so I can't say I'm stressing about work. Then again, since this will be Monday, maybe my brain is subconsciously preparing for a work week that won't start just yet for me. I don't know.

So I have made some hot tea....decaf, of the hope that it will help me nod off.

Along the way I have prayed, reflected, pondered friendships....let my mind drift wherever it wanted to go in the hope that I would eventually arrive at eine gute schlafe. A good sleep.

Summer nights can do that to me. They're warm, inviting, alluring in how comfortable they can feel after a long, hot day.

Yes, it's Memorial Day weekend, but today sure had "summer" stamped on it with temperatures in the 90s and a blasting south wind I usually feel in July.

Maybe that's why I can't sleep --- because my body is sensing that shift in the seasons. Already.

Spring, we barely had a chance to get acquainted. Come back soon.

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