Sunday, May 22, 2011

I guess I'll have to do the laundry after all

Well, 6 p.m. came and went Saturday, and the world didn't end. We were told (breathlessly by some) that the Rapture would occur then, according to calculations made by someone using clues found in the Bible.


Pronouncements of this sort annoy me more than anything else. The Bible itself states we will not know the date nor the hour of Christ's Second Coming. Not even Jesus knows that, we're told. Only God does.

The Bible also states that we will be going about our daily business, getting hired or fired, getting married or buried, right up until the moment arrives. Expect no dramatic "signs" foretelling Christ's return.

Which explains the Catholic Church's advice on "the end of the world:" Treat every day as if it's when Jesus will return. Live your life as if you'll be ready for that moment --- even if it's in 10 minutes.

There's a lot of wisdom in that mentality. If you live in such a way that you'll be welcomed into Heaven by Christ, you do not have to live in fear. Granted, God is the ultimate judge of who gets to Heaven, but He is a merciful, loving Father eager to welcome His children home.

And we, as flawed humans, can merely strive to be our best selves as much as we can.

Given that, I don't get caught up in the histrionics linked to proclamations that the Rapture is imminent or that the world as we know it will end in 2012.

I read that the mastermind who declared Saturday would bring the Rapture has disappeared, stunning his flock of devotees. I'm stunned, I tell ya. Stunned.

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