Thursday, January 6, 2011

The double-edged sword of resolutions

The arrival of a New Year seems to compel so many of us to make resolutions - i.e., changes - to improve our lives in some way.

Folks work out regularly joke about the crowd that swarms the gyms in January, intent on losing that weight, fitting into that swimsuit, putting on those 'skinny jeans' again. They know that in a few weeks the crowd will thin out as the "resolve" wanes.

And the remorse/self-ridicule mushrooms.

Why do we do this to ourselves? It's good to want to make improvements and to set goals. But so many resolutions merely set us up to fail. It's almost an exercise in masochism.

I guess the answer is moderation: set goals you know you can accomplish - and then build on them. Yet we seem to have as much trouble with self-control when it comes to resolutions as we do when it comes to holiday banquets.

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