Wednesday, February 5, 2020

You never know when inspiration might strike

The other night as I was getting ready for bed, I found myself listening to rain drops slapping a gutter.

It was a distinct sound that cut through the urban noise clutter...and before I knew it this wonderful tale started spooling out in my imagination. Such moments are magical and I hope to turn it into a short story or novella soon.

I share this because it's a reminder that you never know when inspiration might strike: in the shower, on your daily commute, while walking the dog or watching your children sleep.

Whatever it might be - a string of musical notes, some song lyrics, a poem or a scene from a future book - find a way to remember it and respond. It's your creative side at work and the more you nurture it the more it will give you.

And, speaking from experience, there's something intangibly enriching about listening to those prompts.

So give those surprises room to blossom. You'll be amazed at what can happen.

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