Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A brainstorm pays off

A few weeks ago, after my first shipment of FALLEN TREES copies arrived, I thought it might be a good idea to donate a copy to the hair salon where the fabulous Leslie Stuart cuts my hair --- somehow managing to make me look good --- and also at the office of my chiropractor, Mike Hermann.

I thought customers getting perms or waiting their turns might enjoy having something to read other than the gossip mag of the week. If they liked what they read, they could copy down the book title and order it from Watermark Books in Wichita or Amazon on the worldwide web.

I've been told folks at the salon have been reading it eagerly and that a few patients have jotted down the title and my name after reading several pages. I was delighted to hear that.

Today, I heard one that topped the list: one woman enjoyed reading the opening pages so much - and was impressed that the author was a patient of the good chiropractor - that she looked it up on her Smartphone and ordered a copy on the spot.

Can't beat that, I guess.

A doff o' my fedora to you, wherever you are.

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