Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A moment of silence, please......

........well, actually, more than a moment, if you will.

I watched the opening of the All Star Game tonight. I thought it fitting and touching that they held a moment of silence for the victims of the assassination attempt on Congressman Gabrielle Giffords.

It lasted less than 10 seconds. In fact, it seemed like they couldn't get it over with fast enough.

Which, to me, defeats the purpose.

When European sports hold a moment of silence, it's a full minute.

Of silence.

Of quiet.

Of stillness.

It's as if they actually have time to reflect on whomever the "moment" is honoring. Isn't that the point of these tributes?

When you zip through them in a few seconds, there's no time for any reflection. But I fear most Americans actually prefer that.

Don't make me think. Don't make me feel. Don't make me veer from my self-absorbed, attention-deflected existence. Don't tell me anything that's a downer.

In fact, that last sentence may be the key: We want to go through the motions of honoring someone, without actually being depressing about it.

And that's depressing.

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