Friday, November 28, 2008

Snowflakes on the lawn

I awoke to snow coating car tops and lawns ---- as if nature decided to announce the launch of the Christmas season with a little frosting.

"I can't believe it snowed!" my 9-year-old niece, Donna, said, so delighted she went outside without a hat on, or even much of a coat.

That didn't please the grown-ups much, since she's been battling a sporadic fever for the past few days. But part of me couldn't blame my twin brother's second-oldest daughter. The first measurable snow of the season is always something of a marvel, no matter how many winters you've seen.

The snowfall didn't last long, and the layer on the lawn won't, either. But we'll still remember it. A peaceful snowfall observed with a cup of hot tea or coffee, the sound of nieces cracking open pecans for snacking or baking, the aroma of chicken noodle soup on the stove, the buzz of small children at play....such moments are what help make holidays special.

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