Saturday, January 14, 2012

'Twas just a tiny piece of plastic

I didn't give that tiny ridge of plastic a second glance as I twisted the cap on a fresh bottle of mouth wash the other day. It had remained lodged in the crevice between the screw top and the lower section of the bottle's neck.

The remnants of the protective seal intended to prevent tampering, it seemed harmless. That made its bite all the more surprising. When I looked down, there was a 1/4 inch cut on my left thumb, right where the joint bends. Ouch!

Fortunately, it didn't bleed much, so I applied steady pressure, cleaned it and placed a band aid on it. Done and dusted right?

Not so fast.

The next day, after the band aid fell off (following multiple hand washings), I noticed the top layer of skin would gap open when I bent my thumb. The movement was preventing the top layer from "stitching together." Ugh.

Would I need stitches after all? Or would patience and persistent protection do the trick? Fortunately, it's not bleeding, and each day since then it looks a little better.

But I'm also trying not to use my left thumb much, to reduce the "irritation" on the cut. I'm left-handed, and I'm discovering how much of a challenge it is not to use the thumb on your dominant hand. Try that sometime....for just five minutes.....and you'll see what I mean.

It makes even basic tasks more challenging, and I'm having to be patient when I tackle them.

I found myself thinking of Bob Dole and other veterans who lost the use of a hand in combat; and stroke victims who find their motor skills on one side impaired. It's humbling.

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